Open, Close & Create a Store  Previous topicNext topicFirst topicLast topic

Open, Close & Create a Store

How to open, close & create a new store.

When the Shopping Cart System starts for the first time or when you close a store, the program will show up with just the top main menu with two options, "File" and "Help".

Opening a new store:
· At the main menu click "File" and "New".
· When the "Open a new store" screen shows up, create a new file name and click "Save". A new and empty store file will be ready for you.

Opening an existent store:
· At the main menu click "File" and "Open".
· When the "Open a new store" screen shows up, select the desired file to be opened and click "Ok".

Closing an opened store:
· At the main menu click "File" and "Close".

If you have one store opened and decides to open a new or a different one; the Shopping Cart System will automatically close the current store file.